Fermilab employees and users who share their time to support our programs are critical to EPE success! If you are interested in helping with any of our established EPE programs or have new ideas, please contact edreg@fnal.gov.
Get involved
Speak with student and teacher groups
Meet with students and teachers who visit the laboratory or be a part of the Saturday Morning Physics program.
Interact with the public
Join in on a MakerSpace program or support our STEM Outreach team.
Help us get the science right
Help design and maintain exhibits and equipment or connect your work to our programs by collaborating with our team.
Time-charging codes
Fermilab staff are able to charge time for their work on established EPE programs. A list of established programs as well as a form to propose new activities are located here.
More details on using the new time-charging codes are available in the procedure and posted to the policies.fnal.gov webpage.