Field trips at Fermilab

Field trip policies

To fully prepare students for a Fermilab physical science or life science visit, a teacher must participate in either a two-hour Field Trip Essentials session or a summer Teacher Workshop. Either one of these will give you all of the information and resources to implement engaging preparatory activities in the classroom that introduce the essential concepts, content, and logistics of the field trip. Your participation will allow your students to learn more about the research and the ecology of Fermilab and to better appreciate their on-site experience.

Click here to learn more about the required Field Trip Essentials and to register for future sessions.

Request a visit
  • Your request must be submitted at least four weeks in advance of your expected visit date.
  • Requests are submitted through the online form linked at the bottom of this page.
  • Field trip dates and times are subject to availability; the request is not guaranteed until you receive an official Booking Reservation by email.
Group size
  • To be considered for a school trip, there must be a minimum of 10 students per grade.
  • Two weeks prior to a confirmed visit, the number of students attending may decrease but may not increase; the teacher must email with changes.
  • If your group exceeds the capacity for a given field trip, you may plan multiple visits to accommodate everyone.
  • Prior to arrival, students should be organized into equal-sized groups of no more than 20 individuals.
  • Teachers, aides, chaperones, and any participants 18 years of age or older MUST have a REAL ID-compliant document, such as a passport or an enhanced driver’s license, to enter Fermilab. More information about accepted documents is linked here.
  • At least one chaperone is required per every 10 students. For some field trips, we require one adult for every five students. Please refer to the specific field trip page for more information.
  • If the group fails to meet the chaperone requirement, the visit may be canceled.
  • Please distribute the chaperone guidelines ahead of time to assure that your visit will run smoothly.
  • Some field trips require adults to complete Business Visitor Access; instructions will be shared with the groups as needed.
  • Waiver forms for all participants must be completed, signed, and turned in prior to or on the date of the visit.
  • Waivers will be emailed to teachers in advance of the field trip. Waivers can also be downloaded in English here or Spanish here.

Our staff is dedicated to providing an inclusive learning environment. Please note any participant’s medical conditions; physical, learning, or behavioral challenges; or accommodation requests related to a disability by emailing the registrar.

Trip logistics
  • Groups should enter the Fermilab site using the Kirk Road and Pine Street entrance (NOT the Batavia Road and Route 59 entrance).
  • Plan to arrive 15 minutes ahead of your scheduled start time to allow for security access.
  • All field trips start at Lederman Science Center.
  • The bus driver must remain on site for the duration of the field trip.
  • Please have students dress for the weather and activities. We require closed-toe shoes and strongly recommend long pants.
  • If anything changes for your visit, i.e., delayed arrival, cancellation, etc., on the day of the visit, the teacher must call the registrar at 630-840-8258.
  • In case of inclement weather or emergency, the teacher and the education program leader will decide together whether a field trip will move forward.
Code of Conduct
  • Students should wear name tags during the visit, with first name only.
  • No cell phones or electronic devices will be permitted for students.
  • Failure to adequately supervise students may result in your group being asked to leave.

Ready to book a field trip?