This presentation demonstrates the fascinating field of supercooling!
Fermilab engineers use liquid nitrogen to supercool magnets for least resistance. Other industries use supercooling, too. Learn about this cool field!

Presentation details
- Length of time: 40-50 minutes
- Room preference: gym or auditorium
Preparing for the presentation
To help make the assembly-style cryogenic demo run smoothly, we ask the following:
- Make sure the presenter has exact directions to your school as well as any parking or delivery information.
- The cryogenic demo should not be held directly under any photo- or ion-type smoke detectors. The individual requesting the demo is responsible for checking with the facility manager about the best location for the demo.
- If the floor is not carpeted, everyone must be seated in chairs or bleachers.
- If you have scheduled multiple presentations, it is important that the cryogenic demo stay in the same room for all presentations. It is time-consuming to move the setup from room to room. A 15-minute break is ideal between presentations; two presentations is a maximum request.
- Setting up takes 30-40 minutes.
- You will need to provide one medium-size table in the front of the room.
- A wireless microphone and sound system may be useful to assure that everyone can hear.
- This presentation is designed for students in grades 2-8. Please let the presenter know of any specific related learning objectives you wish to address.
- Please review basic freezing/cooling concepts with your students before the presentation. They will understand more if they have these concepts fresh in mind.
- The Mr. Freeze demo is a memorable science experience that will amaze and can accommodate an audience of most any size. Student questions are encouraged!
- A portion of the presentation includes loud sounds. The presenter will notify the audience prior to such a demonstration, but anyone who may have difficulties with this situation should be advised.
- During the presentation, teachers and/or aides should remain with the students to assist with student engagement and management.
Scheduled as requestedGrades
$Free Submit your eventContact Information
Education office registrar at or 630-840-8258