SMP Spring 2025 Schedule

The Lederman Science Center’s hours have changed. Please view them on our Plan your visit page.

All lectures begin promptly at 9:00 a.m. We recommend that you join the Saturday Morning Physics Zoom meeting between 8:45–8:50 a.m.

The lectures are two hours long, with a 10-minute break. Virtual tours and Q&A sessions start at about 11:00 a.m., with everything wrapping up at around noon.

*Lectures are given off-site. Student will need to make travel arrangements or plan to attend through the Zoom meeting.

Preliminary schedule of Spring 2025 lectures and tours; please note that schedule is subject to change. 

DateLecture topic Speaker Tour or panel topic
February 1st Intro to FermilabDon Lincoln, FermilabDriving Tour / Wilson Hall / SQMS / SiDet
February 8thQuantum MechanicsPatrick Fox, FermilabDriving Tour / Wilson Hall / SQMS / SiDet
* February 15thOff-site at Griffin MSI Chicago: RelativityGordan Krnjaic, Fermilab/UChicagoMuseum exploration
February 22nd The Standard Model of Particle Physics/LHC PhysicsInnes Bigaran, Martin Kwok, FermilabCMS Virtual Tour
* March 1stOff-site at Northwestern University: The Ghostly NeutrinoMaria Martinez-Casales, FermilabNU physics facilities
March 8th Quantum ComputingGabe Perdue, FermilabDriving Tour / Wilson Hall / SQMS / SiDet
March 15th Muon g-2 / Mu2eDavid Kessler, Kevin Lynch, FermilabMuon Panel
March 22ndEnergy Flows on Planet EarthBryan Ramson, FermilabClimate Panel
* March 29th *Adjusted time 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.Off-site at Garfield Park Conservatory: How We Make and How We Detect ParticlesJason St John, Fermilab, Dylan T and Ryan L, FermilabEveryday life of a scientist panel
* April 5thOff-site at University of Chicago: Dark Matter and CosmologyJosh Sobrin, Nate Saffold, FermilabPath to becoming a scientist panel
April 12th Physics and SocietyYoung-Kee Kim, FermilabGraduation