SMP Spring 2025 Schedule

The Lederman Science Center’s hours have changed for the winter. Please view them on our Plan your visit page.

The Center is closed Monday, January 20th for the lab holiday. Our hours will resume on Tuesday, January 21st.

All lectures begin promptly at 9:00 a.m. We recommend that you join the Saturday Morning Physics Zoom meeting between 8:45–8:50 a.m.

The lectures are two hours long, with a 10-minute break. Virtual tours and Q&A sessions start at about 11:00 a.m., with everything wrapping up at around noon.

*Lectures are given off-site. Student will need to make travel arrangements or plan to attend through the Zoom meeting.

Preliminary schedule of Spring 2025 lectures and tours; please note that schedule is subject to change. 

DateLecture topic Speaker Tour or panel topic
February 1st Intro to FermilabDon Lincoln, FermilabDriving Tour / Wilson Hall / SQMS / SiDet
February 8thQuantum MechanicsPatrick Fox, FermilabDriving Tour / Wilson Hall / SQMS / SiDet
* February 15thOff-site at Griffin MSI Chicago: RelativityGordan Krnjaic, Fermilab/UChicagoMuseum exploration
February 22nd The Standard Model of Particle Physics/LHC PhysicsIrene Dutta, FermilabCMS Virtual Tour
* March 1stOff-site at Northwestern University: Cosmology and Dark MatterNate Saffold, FermilabNU physics facilities
March 8th Quantum ComputingGabe Perdue, FermilabDriving Tour / Wilson Hall / SQMS / SiDet
March 15th How We Make and How We Detect ParticlesJason St John, Dylan Temples, and Ryan Linehan, FermilabPath to becoming a scientist panel
March 22ndMuon g-2 / Mu2eDavid Kessler, Kevin Lynch, FermilabMuon Panel
* March 29thOff-site at Garfield Park Conservatory: Energy and ClimateBryan Ramson, FermilabClimate Panel
* April 5thOff-site at University of Chicago: The Ghostly NeutrinoMaria Martinez-Casales, FermilabEveryday life of a scientist panel
April 12th Physics and SocietyLia Merminga, FermilabGraduation